Elsa Brändström" after-school care centre
The facility is located in the centre of Mittweida in a quiet side street on the corner of Schumannstraße and Stadtgraben. Our day-care centre is purely an after-school care centre attended by pupils from Pestalozzi Primary School. Pupils in Years 1 to 3 attend the after-school centre at Stadtgraben 2 c and Year 4 have been attending Pestalozzi Primary School since the 2016/17 school year. Here, some rooms are used by both the school and the after-school care centre.
Pestalozzi Primary School is around a 10-minute walk from our after-school care centre. Due to the traffic situation, it is necessary to accompany the after-school children on their way to school.
Our facility:
- was built in 1988 as a crèche building
- In 2009/2010, the building was completely renovated and converted into a pure after-school care centre
- Capacity 188 places including 6 integration places - 144 in the after-school care centre (grades 1 - 3)
- Since the 2016/17 school year - 44 in the Pestalozzi primary school (year 4) Early and late service takes place for all children in the after-school centre building